Lots of people put up with a regular headache or migraine. What is going on then if some of us are almost always headache-free and others suffer headache symptoms on a weekly basis? Wouldn’t it be best to correct the underlying issues? The most common approach is to take tablets and attempt to smother the symptoms. But how many headaches are caused by a lack of tablets!?
Headache causes can vary so we need to investigate yours and agree on a sensible way to proceed. If we think you can benefit from chiropractic care we usually find improvements are fairly swift. If we don't think you are a candidate, then we can help you find another option. The good news is that case studies, and our experience finds that: Headache resolution is a common outcome of chiropractic care. Research studies also support this especially for a type of headache called cervicogenic headache.
Jenny’s story - Huge Relief From Migraines and more. Click here!
Chiropractic is not a treatment for headaches as such. Rather than target a symptom, chiropractic tries to restore/improve the function of your body especially the spine. When you are “working well” you should expect fewer symptoms. If you or anybody you know suffers from a regular headache or migraine, consider a Chiropractor. Unfortunately, too few people are aware of what Chiropractic can do in the realm of the headache.
Muscle Testing, Chiropractic, and Support. Complement this with good choices
Our expertise is the interplay of your spine, muscles, and joints with your nervous system. Our service is about assessing you, your spine, your muscle function, your injuries, their consequences, and how this can be corrected to improve the quality of your life. We aim to try and help you get more robust through chiropractic and Afferent Input Muscle testing.
We are trained to understand a good deal about nutrition and lifestyle and how this can influence health. Some foods, for example, can increase painful symptoms and some reduce. Some foods trigger migraines! Our expertise lies in providing a natural way of dealing with your triggers.
Measurable Progress
As you progress through a course of chiropractic care your body is expected to perform better and you experience positive change in your quality of life. Pain symptoms are monitored for improvement. We also monitor your progress with regular postural assessments, thermal scans, and physical tests.
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